“Do not work for food that spoils.
Work for food that that endures to eternal life.”
Even though we have worked hard our whole life,
we have not a question about our ordinary life.
“What shall we do,
that we may work the works of God?”
What work should we do to receive eternal life?
God alone is eternal, we know that.
“The work of God is this:
To believe in the one he has sent.”
To believe in Jesus is to do the work of God.
To believe is to work; to work is to believe.
“My Father is always at his work to this very day,
and I, too, am working.” (1)
Even on the Sabbath day he asks us to work (2)
in order to revive and save persons in this world.
Work for the good news of the poor in spirit.
Work for the freedom of persons imprisoned.
Work to recover the sight of the spiritually blind.
Work to release those oppressed by things that spoil. (3)
To revive and save persons, work!
Rev. Yong Sub Sim
Poem based on John 6:27-29
(1) John 5:17
(2) John 5:16
(3) Luke 4:18-19
Photo from Free-Photos at Pixabay.