Passing through this dark night of the Passover,
I am going to leave you through the walking of my way.
This supper is the last with you until I come back.

Now you do not know this way covered by darkness,
but you will know my way that I have walked
when your souls are awaked by the light of the truth.

“Lord, do You wash my feet?”
“Peter, you do not realize now what I am doing,
but later you will understand.”
“No, you shall never wash my feet.”
“Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”

You will wash your hearts and hands when I wash your feet.
You will know the way to keep your clean soul
in this world full of selfish ambition and status.

You will recognize your way as washing hands and feet,
angry, broken and polluted lives in the wilderness.
You will see your way after I leave you.

You have desired to walk where you wanted
but you will walk where you do not want to go.(1)
My way will become your way.

Rev. Yong Sub Sim

Poem based on John 13:5-9

(1) John 21:18-19

Image by ktphotography from Pixabay.