Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests,
but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head. (1)
I have walked for the world and worked the Father’s works.
I have followed the Spirit of the One who called and sent me.
Now, it is finished. (2)

The hour has come to glorify the One who gives life.
The way I have made will bring life in this desert.
The truth I brought will become light in the darkness.
The life sacrificed on this cross will save the world. (3)
Now, it is accomplished.

The time has come.
My death becomes God’s love, creating life in you.
Your faith becomes your love for the Creator in me.
We are reconciled with the Father and all creatures in the world.
Now, it is completed.

The time is coming.
When the Spirit of truth comes into your souls,
you will be grasped by the Holy One and have the sight to see
the release of the oppressed and freedom for the prisoners.
Today. It is fulfilled. (4)

And with my life, you will be the church.
I will build my church with you who abide in love. (5)
Take, and eat my body and drink my blood given to you;
keep the new covenant for the forgiveness of sins.
Now, it is finished.

Rev. Yong Sub Sim

Poem based on John 19:30

(1) Matthew 8:20
(2) John 19:30
(3) John 14:6
(4) Luke 4:21
(5) Matthew 16:18