Eat my flesh.
Drink my blood.
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood,
They live in me, and I live in them. (1)
Do not be surprised at my words,
eat my flesh and drink my blood.
Do not be afraid of my words, flesh and blood.
Are there any more authentic words than flesh and blood?
I give you myself.
Receive me as the flesh and blood of a little lamb
on the night of leaving the life of slavery to an empire, (2)
the moment to be or not to be.
You should eat my flesh.
You ought to drink my blood
to leave the life of slavery to the visible world,
to move from the blind life to the light.
My flesh will become your flesh.
My blood will become your blood.
My flesh is real food, and my blood is real drink from heaven. (3)
Are you not hungry and thirsty for the truth from heaven?
– Rev. Yong Sub Sim
(2) Exodus 12:1-27
(3) John 6:55