I would like to give my thankful heart-mind to all those who participated in St. Mark’s charge conference—the superintendent of our district, Rev. Les Hall; St. Mark’s church counsel chairperson, Gary Scott, and its members; and those who attended the conference and prepared the lovely, cooked food for the potluck. I am also thankful for Katerina Scott. She completed all the paperwork for the church council meeting and the charge conference. All of us have done our duty very well in 2022!
I am thankful that all of you have followed my spiritual leadership for the last five years. On the last Sunday of July, we decided to continue walking with, working with and following Jesus together in the name of St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. Korean Christians continue joining St. Mark’s. We see a holy wave of transforming power around St. Mark’s. In this, with your lively heart-minds, I suggested at the charge conference a long-term project for rebuilding St. Mark’s. I will explain the detailed plan to do this project at a seminar on December 4, 2022. Please, keep this time exclusive on your schedule and in your heart-mind.
Finally, I am thankful that Katerina shared her traditional Christian life with us and witnessed about St. Mark’s spirituality—its specialness and difference—in her small book Beyond a Good Christian. Her sincere confession and witness are about freedom from religious rules, recovery of sight from spiritual blindness, and release from the religious, political and cultural dogmas (Luke 4:18). I strongly suggest you read her small book for your own spirituality and use the book for saving your friends and neighbors. This book can help non-Christians and Christians if they want to live authentic life.
Thank you, Lord, and thank you, St. Mark’s.
– Rev. Yong Sub Sim