It is not true!
I do not want to receive glory from human beings.(1)
You see in me your own desires.

I fed five thousand in the wilderness
because I was pained in my heart when I saw them,
because they were like sheep without a shepherd,
but I yearned to feed them spiritual food, to give them truth. (2)

It is not true!
I do not want to gain popularity in this world.
I do not want to be a king of the people
but the king of the truth. (3)

I knew that they desired to make me their king;
for that reason, I left them that evening for a mountain. (4)
I knew that power presupposed I would be king,
but I said I will be killed by them who oppose me
and I will return to you as the king of the truth. (5)

It is true!
I was afraid of the people’s collective enthusiasm,
of following public glory and popularity in the world.
I did not fear power that kills the body but can’t kill the soul. (6)
I was afraid of popularity which pollutes one’s soul in this world.

I do not accept the popularity of this world.

Rev. Yong Sub Sim

Poem based on John 5:41

(1) John 5:41
(2) Mark 6:34
(3) John 18:37
(4) John 6:15
(5) Mark 8:31, 9:31-32, 10:33-34
(6) Matthew 10:28

Image by FelixMittermeier from Pixabay.