As Covid-19 overtook the world like a wind,
we could still breathe yesterday.
We began breathing today through a filter.
We stop walking tomorrow to avoid the wind
as numerous flowers vanish away with the gale.

Many begin asking, “Whose sin brings this dark wind?”
Some voices begin answering avaricious human desires,
endless development on the earth and market competition,
environmental contamination and disruption, but
the windblown entrust science to stop the deadly wind.

Alas, sinful nations, people weighed down with iniquity,
the whole head is sick and the whole heart is faint.
From the sole of the foot to the crown of the head,
there is nothing sound, only bruises,
welts and raw wounds that aren’t cleansed or bandaged. (1)

Let us come down from the place of the Holy One.
Let us come up to the quiet and divine space,
bringing our empty, soulless worship no longer. (2)
Wash hands! Be clean!
Let us remove the evil of our deeds and cease to do evil. (3)

Come now, you will be as white as snow;
though your sins are as scarlet,
you will be like wool. (4)

Rev. Yong Sub Sim

(1) Isaiah 1:4-6
(2) Isaiah 1:13
(3) Isaiah 1:16
(4) Isaiah 1:18

Image by Pezibear from Pixabay.