Are you still uncomfortable with what I tell you?
Do I offend you or throw you into confusion? (1)
Is it still hard to accept the light which I give? (2)
If you cannot understand the words that I have told you,
How can you trust that I am from God?
Why are you still in darkness before the light? (3)
For was I not born from a virgin?
For did I not come from a small town? (4)
Why do you not understand that my works are also from God?
If you cannot believe in me, believe in these works from God.
Are you still disputing about who I am?
Whether I am a prophet, the Messiah or God?
If I am God, will you then believe my words and works?
How can you believe that God is among us
If you do not believe in my words and works from God?
If you can see God’s works in my works,
If you can hear the holy words in my words,
You can believe that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.
For this, do you accuse me of blasphemy? (5)
You may know you are also in God and the Holy One is in you.
Do you remember my words to love God and your neighbor? (6)
If you can accept this as the greatest human moral duty,
If you can stay in the love of the Holy One,
You can also live in God and God lives in you.
If you cannot believe in Me, (7)
Believe in my words and works from heaven.
Rev. Yong Sub Sim
Based on John 10:37-38
(1) John 6:61
(2) John 6:60
(3) John 1:4-5
(4) John 1:46
(5) John 10:33-36
(6) Matthew 22:37-39
(7) 1 John 4:16