Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests,
but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head. (1)
I have walked for the world and worked the Father’s works.
I have followed the Spirit of the One who called and sent me.
Now, it is finished. (2)
Month: March 2021
Worship: March 28, 2021
Palm/Passion Sunday
Scripture: Matthew 26:17-25, 31-35
Sermon: “Two Betrayers”
What causes one person to betray another? This Sunday’s sermon will consider those who betrayed Jesus at his death. If your life has ever been touched by betrayal, we invite you to come, worship with us, and hear the good news.
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Worship: March 21, 2021
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Scripture: John 12:20-33
Sermon: “To Be Glorified”
Jesus is to be glorified because of his crucifixion and resurrection. What does it mean to glorify Jesus? How do we glorify Jesus? We invite you to worship with us this Sunday as we consider how our worship and our lives can glorify Jesus.
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Worship: March 14, 2021
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Scripture: John 3:14-21
Sermon: “To the Light”
John 3:16. It’s a popular verse. People hold up signs with its reference at football games. People post it on Facebook. But what does it mean to have eternal life? We invite you to consider that question with us this Sunday.
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Worship: March 7, 2021
Third Sunday in Lent
Scripture: John 2:13-22
Sermon: “New Temple”
Where do you meet God and hear his holy voice? How holy is your worship? How might your worship have become corrupted? How can our problems be identified and corrected? We invite you to our sanctuary this Sunday to worship and hear the good news.
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