St. Mark’s United Methodist English and Korean Church

St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Midland, TX

An English and Korean church near Odessa and Stanton

St. Mark’s United Methodist Church is a community of individuals walking with, working with and following Jesus together in worship.

We are an English-speaking church who welcomes people of other languages and cultures. Our worship service is a traditional, Sunday-morning service which focuses only on Jesus Christ and his gospel. This worship service is central to our life together. Our communal worship unites us as Jesus’s community and supports each of us as we strive to live authentic lives in Jesus.

We invite all who desire to worship Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

We invite all who seek in Jesus the answers for authentic life.

We invite all who want to walk with, work with and follow Jesus in community.

Worship Service
every Sunday at 11:00 am

The Korean Church within St. Mark’s United Methodist Church

Our worship services are prepared for worshiping together in our diversity. For those whose preferred language is Korean, worship consists of two stages. First, we gather in the Korean worship room at 10:15 am each Sunday to hear the pastor's sermon in Korean. While the Korean-speakers are gathered for the Korean sermon in the Korean worship room, English speakers gather in other rooms for fellowship and mutual encouragement through discussing the previous Sunday’s sermon.

After this time of preparation and fellowship, we move to the sanctuary to participate as a full congregation in the main service. The main worship service is prepared in English. As part of the main worship service, our worship hymn is sung with English, Korean and Spanish verses. The pastor preaches in English. The sermon’s main points are displayed as an aid to listening and remembering.

In this way, our worship services support bilingual families so that parents and children or bicultural couples can worship together. 

To find the answers for your best life invest 24 hours in yourself.

Christians can build a strong structure of Christian spirituality.
Everyone can find their answers for their life.

St. Mark's United Methodist Church

Serving the Midland, Odessa, and Stanton, TX areas